Regular expression for strings with even number of a's and odd no of b's

Write a regular expression for strings with Regular expression for strings with even number of a's and odd no of b's.

//Regular expression for strings with even number of a's and odd no of b's

def isValid(s):
    set evenA to true
    set oddB to false
    for c as each character in s:
        if c is 'a':
            set evenA to not evenA
        else if c is 'b':
            set oddB to  not oddB
            return false
    return evenA and oddB



What is Regular Expressions ?- 

This topic is about modeling computation. Models are important for several reasons. They let us think about
whether problems can even be solved using a computer (some can’t). They also let us think abstractly about
the method to solve a problem. First, we’ll model languages. These are very important from a programming
language definition and compilation standpoint. All programming languages and their components are defined
by different types of languages.  

What is a language? A language is a set of strings. For example, one program you write is one long string. 
Or one sentence you write is another long string. Different types of languages give us different powers of
expression. Powers of expression refers to what can be represented using that form of expression, i.e., what
you can specify using the given representation. If you think of representation of a language as sort of an
algebra, some representations allow us to generate more complex strings than others. We can express more
complex thoughts using English than we can in C++(or any other programming language).

The simplest type of language is the regular language. Regular languages are generated by regular expressions.
These are commonly used for pattern matching. Regular expressions are usually defined recursively. All
languages are defined over some alphabet, say A (often you will see sigma, Σ, used for the alphabet). For an
alphabet A, the regular expressions over this alphabet (or set) consist of the following:
• λ (the empty string; sometimes epsilon,  ε, is used)
• Any character in A
• If  X  and  Y are regular expressions over A, then so are the following, listed from highest operator
precedence to lowest:
highest precedence   (X) Parentheses are used to group subexpressions
X* Kleene star operator: zero or more repetitions of X    
XY Concatenation  
lowest precedence    X|Y Alternation, OR (sometimes + is used)
Let’s start with a simple alphabet A = {a, b, c}. The regular expression (a|b|c)* would generate all possible
strings of a, b, and c.  The regular expression  c (a|b|c)*c   would generate all possible strings of a, b, and c that
start and end in a ‘c’ .
Let’s generate a regular expression for unsigned binary numbers. For this case, our alphabet A = {0, 1}.  
Our expression is:    (0|1) (0|1)*
The first term forces our string to start with a digit (note that the empty string is not in the language). The
second term allows us to have as many digits, in any order, as we want.
Now generate a regular expression for signed binary numbers (the sign is optional for positive numbers.)  
For this case, our alphabet is A = {+, ‐, 0, 1}. Our expression is:    (+|‐|λ) (0 |1) (0|1)*
We need the empty string (λ) in the first set of options to allow for positive numbers with an implied sign.  
This could be written without  λ as follows:    (+|‐) (0 1) (0|1)*   |    (0|1) (0|1)*   
Suppose you wanted unsigned binary numbers, but wanted to disallow more than one leading zero. Now
string such as 0000 or 000101 would not be in the language. Start with what you know that strings that start
with one are no different than we’ve seen:  1(0|1)*   Then think about starting with zero. In that case, force a
one after the zero:  01(0|1)*  Now the only string missing is one zero. The final answer is
1(0|1)*  |  01(0|1)* |  0   which is equivalent to:         (1|01)(0|1)* | 0       
Or, another correct answer is:    (11|01|10)(0|1)* | 0
All the languages we’ve seen so far are infinite languages (an infinite number of strings can be generated). All
the keywords in a computing language are tokens in that language. Suppose the alphabet are all the characters
that can be used to write a program. Then a keyword such as “while” is generated by the regular expression:
This is a finite language with exactly one string in it.
Let’s do some more interesting regular expressions for computer languages. Let’s write a regular expression
for identifiers with a simplified alphabet of {a, b, c, 1, 2, 3, _}. First, write a regular expression for C‐like
identifiers. These follow the rules:
1. Must start with a letter
2. Then there is either a letter, number, or underscore
(a|b|c) (a|b|c|1|2|3|_)*
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Now let’s do Ada‐like identifiers (language named after Ada Augusta, often called the first programmer):
1. Must start with a letter
2. Then there is either a letter, number, or underscore, but there cannot be two consecutive underscores
(a|b|c) (a | b | c | 1 | 2| 3| _(a|b|c|1|2|3) )* (_|λ)
Often that last term is a fix up. The first part is generated. The underscore logic is that if you choose an
underscore, you must choose some other character after it. But then the string cannot end in an underscore.
So, it gets “fixed up” to have the option of ending in underscore. It is very common to write a regular
expression and then fix the boundaries. Note that there are other correct equivalent regular expressions.  
There are housekeeping things to check when you generate a regular expression:
• Can I generate all of the strings in the language?
• Can I generate anything that isn’t in the language?
• Boundary conditions warrant special consideration.
Often I ask: what is the shortest string in the language that my expression generates?  Is the empty string in
the language?  Example boundary conditions to consider are:  what can it start with?   What can it end with?
Let’s play a bit more with regular expressions. You start to get a feel for the expressiveness of regular
expressions. You can’t keep track of many things, for example, you can’t count, but you can keep tract of state.
For example, whether a string is even or odd is state information.  
Write a regular expression for the alphabet {a,b} for all strings that have an even number of a's. The logic is
that there can be a  ‘b’  anywhere, no restrictions, but every  ‘a’  must have a buddy ‘a’ to keep it even.  In
between the paired a’s though, you must allow for other characters:
(b | ab*a)*
Write a regular expression for strings that start with an ‘a’, end in ‘b’, and have an even number of a’s in total.
ab*a(b | ab*a)*b
Now write the regular expression for strings that have an even number of a's and an even number of b's.  
The a's and b's can be in any order, e.g., aabb, abaaab, ababbb, babaaaaababbab, aaaaaaaa, abbbbbbbba .
    (aa | bb | (ab|ba)(aa|bb)*(ab|ba))*
The regular expression has three terms to allow for pairs of a's, pairs of b's, or mixed up a's and b's. To build a
string, allow "aa" or "bb" anywhere.  To make sure the a's and b's that are mixed up have a buddy 'a' or 'b'
force each "ab" or "ba" to have a matching "ab" or "ba" so the count always remains even.
To be sure all possible strings are generated, allow "aa"s and "bb"s to come between mixed up 'a' and 'b' terms.
While this regular expression is hard to come up with, once you see it, it has nice symmetry. I was given a
similar problem – alphabet {a,b,c}, come up with a regular expression for even a’s, even b’s, and even c’s.
It is not small and elegant like the one above, but is excessively long and not at all interesting.
Now write a regular expression for all strings that are of the form an
, in set notation { an
bn | integer  n ≥ 0},  
for example:  λ  ab  aabb  aaabbb  aaaabbbb  aaaaabbbbb

It doesn’t take you long to decide this is difficult. In fact, this is a trick question as this language is not regular.
There is no regular expression for an bn. The language an bm, where the number a’s and b’s don’t have to necessarily be the same is generated by the regular expression  a*b*, but there is no way to count characters.

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